Rappelling Off the Chairlift

On Saturday, January 30th 2010, Mount Snow staff successfully evacuated a full lift line 11, over 300 guests, in less than an hour and a half..

Video from a guest..

  • Gundo

    This is awesome – great work

  • http://www.matttomei.com/ Matthew Tomei

    This is my video.
    My wife was first to go down, Heather, then my nephew, Adam, and then my sister, Beth.

    Thanks for getting us down safely.

  • http://danreich.com danreich

    Matt, glad you guys had a pleasant lift evac. Hope to see you around mount
    snow again soon.

    Dan 4-60

  • Chuck

    Dan, How many chairs are on this quad and how many teams did you have? an hour and a half is pretty fast

  • http://danreich.com Dan Reich

    Chuck, I wish I knew the answer to these questions. We’ve done lift evac quite a few times so we’ve gotten pretty good at it over the years. We also use mountain ‘ambassadors’ to help rescue do the evac (secondary belay only) so that let’s us have more teams then we would normally have if we only had teams comprised of patrollers only.

  • Chuck

    Understandable. I’ve used instructors to help. I noticed it was back in 2010 so its tough to remember. How many bags do you have? Whats the max number of teams you could use?

  • http://danreich.com Dan Reich

    Another good questions. We have bags at our summit rescue and base rescue and I don’t know how many we used that day. If I had to guess, we probably had 1 team (1 patroller and 3-4 ambassadors) for 2 – 3 towers (2 – 3 chairs per tower). But as you said, it was 2010 so I don’t really remember.